Thursday 5 September 2013

5 WTF Pics!!!

Wednesday 4 September 2013

WTF!!!Man Was Created By God And Is A Spiritual Being Above Any Animal?

Numerous accept as true in their devout doctrines that man is not an animal and that he was not only conceived in the likeness of god but is a religious being. This means that they accept as true mankind is not an animal and does not pertains in the animal category.

One investigator in an online believe container accused another constituent that their conviction that man was just like any other animal, perhaps a little smarter was meagre attitude. The constituent who asserted man was animal like was citing a research paper which displayed a 99% likeness in DNA from Chimpanzees to man. The religious investigator notified him he was incorrect and that even so she highly regarded his attitude and belief.

The believe container constituent comparing man to animal asserted; "Spare me the academic BS with a devout flair. This is not a conviction or opinion of mine. All the evidence displays what I am saying to be factual. no one verifies else. This is not philosophy. This is not belief. This is not anything of the sort.

The religious follower and investigator asserted; "I could effortlessly paste 18 pages of genetic study facts and figures which would debunk the 99% claims of from publications."

Certain and they would be by groups financed by devout associations finished by researchers with a religions slant. 18-pages is weak contrasted to the general clues. I have seen 400 pages of aerodynamic verification that helicopters do not fly and lately 100 sheets of top study proving a Bee cannot go by plane with the allowance of power it places out.

It does not issue if the DNA differences are 99, 98, 97 it is the identical contention. We cannot call humans any thing but animals if we really location Chimpanzees in the identical class as animals. It is astonishing the extents at which religious doctrine gets engaged in genuine scientific study isn't it? address all this in 2006.